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Protean generates identities close to the point of element creation. Generating an identity at the point of creation is a best practice as it ensures consistency, aligns with domain rules, simplifies logic, and supports distributed systems.

Protean's design philosophy requires all invariants to be satisfied from the get-go - generating identities on element creation helps fulfill this goal.


Identity options are specified at the Domain level with configuration attributes. A combination of identity strategy and identity type work together to generate identity values.

# domain.toml


The strategy for generating identity values.

Since aggregates are essentially consistency boundaries, it is best to generate identities without external dependencies. UUIDs are the best mechanism to accomplish this without a central coordinating system, and are especially useful in distributed systems.

The following strategies are supported for identity generation:

  • uuid - Identity is a uuid4 identifier. This is the default and preferred strategy.
  • function - A function is invoked to generate identity values, supplied as identity_function when constructing the domain object.


The type of the generated identity value. Supported identity types are integer, string, and uuid. Default is string.

  • string - Everything that is castable to a string value is accepted. So UUIDs, integers, and string values like user-234232234 are allowed.

  • integer - anything that is castable to an integer is accepted. Strings like 1 are allowed. So are UUIDs because they can be represented as integer values.

In [1]: import uuid

In [2]: uuid.uuid4().int
Out[2]: 154702789254628181204690697941965130883
  • uuid - A uuid object is allowed. Many databases have inbuilt support for UUIDs and this option leverages it for performance. For example, PostgreSQL has a built-in UUID data type that can store a 128-bit value, typically represented as a 36-character string.


Identity Strategy and Identity Type values have to be configured to work together. For example, the values returned by configured identity_function has to match the type configured in identity_type.


Protean can hold identity values in two field types: Auto and Identifier.

Auto and Identifier fields are the same - they hold identities. The only difference is that values of Auto fields are auto-generated when not supplied.

Each entity and aggregate in Protean has to have a unique identity field. A field can be designated as the identity by setting identifier=True in its properties.

from protean import Domain
from protean.fields import Auto, String

domain = Domain(__file__, load_toml=False)

class User:
    user_id = Auto(identifier=True)
    name = String(required=True)
In [1]: from protean.reflection import declared_fields, attributes

In [2]: declared_fields(User)
Out[2]: {'user_id': Auto(identifier=True), 'name': String(required=True)}

In [3]: attributes(User)
{'_version': Integer(default=-1),
 'user_id': Auto(identifier=True),
 'name': String(required=True)}

In [4]: user = User(name="John Doe")

In [5]: user.to_dict()
Out[5]: {'user_id': '9cf4ddc4-2919-4021-bd1a-c8083b5fdda7', 'name': 'John Doe'}

Automatic Identity field

When an identity field is not supplied, an Auto field called id is automatically added to the entity.

from protean import Domain
from protean.fields import String

domain = Domain(__file__, load_toml=False)

class Person:
    name = String(required=True, min_length=2, max_length=50, sanitize=True)
In [1]: from protean.reflection import declared_fields

In [2]: declared_fields(Person)
{'name': String(required=True, max_length=50, min_length=2),
 'id': Auto(identifier=True)}

No Composite keys

Protean does not support composite keys. A NotSupportedError is thrown when multiple identifier fields are found.

In [9]: from protean.fields import Auto, Identifier

In [10]: @domain.aggregate
    ...: class Order:
    ...:     order_id = Auto(identifier=True)
    ...:     customer_id = Identifier(identifier=True)
NotSupportedError: {'_entity': ['Multiple identifier fields found in entity Order. Only one identifier field is allowed.']}

Element-level Identity Customization

The identity of an aggregate or entity element can be customized by explicit configuration of an Auto or Identifier:

import time

from protean import Domain
from protean.fields import Auto, String

domain = Domain(__file__, load_toml=False)

def gen_id():  # (1)
    return int(time.time() * 1000)

class User:
    user_id = Auto(
        identity_strategy="function",  # (2)
    name = String(required=True)
  1. A custom function that generates identity in the form of epoch time
  2. Arguments to Auto field control how the identity is generated.
In [1]: user = User(name="John Doe")

In [2]: user.to_dict()
Out[2]: {'user_id': 1718139167980, 'name': 'John Doe'}