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Most applications have a definite state - they reflect past user input and interactions in their current state. It is advantageous to model these past changes as a series of discrete events. Domain events happen to be those activities that domain experts care about and represent what happened as-is.

In Protean, an Event is an immutable object that represents a significant occurrence or change in the domain. Events are raised by aggregates to signal that something noteworthy has happened, allowing other parts of the system to react - and sync - to these changes in a decoupled manner.

Defining Events

Event names should be descriptive and convey the specific change or occurrence in the domain clearly, ensuring that the purpose of the event is immediately understandable. Events are named as past-tense verbs to clearly indicate that an event has already occurred, such as OrderPlaced or PaymentProcessed.

You can define an event with the Domain.event decorator:

from enum import Enum

from protean import Domain
from protean.fields import Identifier, String

domain = Domain(__file__, name="Authentication", load_toml=False)

class UserStatus(Enum):

class UserActivated:
    user_id = Identifier(required=True)

class UserRenamed:
    user_id = Identifier(required=True)
    name = String(required=True, max_length=50)

class User:
    name = String(max_length=50, required=True)
    email = String(required=True)
    status = String(choices=UserStatus)

    def activate(self) -> None:
        self.status = UserStatus.ACTIVE.value

    def change_name(self, name: str) -> None: = name
        self.raise_(UserRenamed(, name=name))

Events are always connected to an Aggregate class, specified with the part_of param in the decorator. An exception to this rule is when the Event class has been marked Abstract.

Event Structure

An event is made of three parts:



The trace_id is a unique identifier of UUID format, that connects all processing originating from a request. Trace IDs provide a detailed view of the request's journey through the system. It helps in understanding the complete flow of a request, showing each service interaction, the time taken, and where any delays occur.


An event's metadata provides additional context about the event.

Sample metadata from an event:

    "id": "test::user-411b2ceb-9513-45d7-9e03-bbc0846fae93-0",
    "type": "Test.UserLoggedIn.v1",
    "fqn": "tests.event.test_event_metadata.UserLoggedIn",
    "kind": "EVENT",
    "stream": "test::user-411b2ceb-9513-45d7-9e03-bbc0846fae93",
    "origin_stream": null,
    "timestamp": "2024-08-16 15:30:27.977101+00:00",
    "version": "v1",
    "sequence_id": "0",
    "payload_hash": 2438879608558888394


The unique identifier of the event. The event ID is a structured string, of the format <domain-name>::<aggregate-name>-<aggregate-id>-<sequence_id>.

The id value is simply an extension of the event's stream combined with the sequence_id. Read the section on sequence_id to understand possible values.


Type of the event. Format is <domain-name>.<event-class-name>.<event-version>. For e.g. Shipping.OrderShipped.v1.


Internal. The fully qualified name of the event. This is used by Protean to resconstruct objects from messages.


Internal. Represents the kind of object enclosed in an event store message. Value is EVENT for Events. Metadata class is shared between Events and Commands, so possible values are EVENT and COMMAND.


Name of the event stream. E.g. Stream auth::user-1234 encloses messages related to User aggregate in the Auth domain with identity 1234.


Name of the stream that originated this event or command. origin_stream comes handy when correlating related events or understanding causality.


The timestamp of event generation in ISO 8601 format.


The version of the event class used to generate the event.


The sequence ID is the version of the aggregate when the event was generated, along with the sequence number of the event within the update.

For example, if the aggregate was updated twice, the first update would have a sequence ID of 1.1, and the second update would have a sequence ID of 2.1. If the next update generated two events, then the sequence ID of the second event would be 3.2.

If the aggregate is event-sourced, the sequence_id is a single integer of the position of the event in its stream.


The payload_hash serves as a unique fingerprint for the event's payload. It is generated by hashing the stringified event payload json with sorted keys.

payload_hash can be used to verify the integrity of the payload and in implementing idempotent operations.


The payload is a dictionary of key-value pairs that convey the information about the event.

The payload is made available as the body of the event, which also includes the event metadata. If you want to extract just the payload, you can use the payload property of the event.

In [1]: user = User(id="1", email="<EMAIL>", name="<NAME>")

In [2]: user.login()

In [3]: event = user._events[0]

In [4]: event
Out[4]: <UserLoggedIn: UserLoggedIn object ({'_metadata': {'id': '002::user-1-0.1', 'type': '002.UserLoggedIn.v1', 'fqn': '002.UserLoggedIn', 'kind': 'EVENT', 'stream': '002::user-1', 'origin_stream': None, 'timestamp': '2024-07-18 22:02:32.522360+00:00', 'version': 'v1', 'sequence_id': '0.1', 'payload_hash': 2731902408806877088}, 'user_id': '1'})>

In [5]: event.to_dict()
{'_metadata': {'id': '002::user-1-0.1',
  'type': '002.UserLoggedIn.v1',
  'fqn': '002.UserLoggedIn',
  'kind': 'EVENT',
  'stream': '002::user-1',
  'origin_stream': None,
  'timestamp': '2024-07-18 22:02:32.522360+00:00',
  'version': 'v1',
  'sequence_id': '0.1',
  'payload_hash': 2731902408806877088},
 'user_id': '1'}

In [6]: event.payload
Out[6]: {'user_id': '1'}


Because events serve as API contracts of an aggregate with the rest of the ecosystem, they are versioned to signal changes to contract.

Events have a default version of v1.

You can override and customize the version with the __version__ class attribute:

class UserActivated:
    __version__ = "v2"

    user_id = Identifier(required=True)
    activated_at = DateTime(required=True)

The configured version is reflected in version and type attributes of the generated event's metadata:

import json
from datetime import datetime, timezone

from protean import BaseEvent, Domain
from protean.fields import DateTime, Identifier, String

domain = Domain(__name__, name="Authentication", load_toml=False)

class User:
    id = Identifier(identifier=True)
    email = String()
    name = String()
    status = String(choices=["INACTIVE", "ACTIVE", "ARCHIVED"], default="INACTIVE")

    def login(self):

    def activate(self):
        self.status = "ACTIVE"

class UserLoggedIn(BaseEvent):
    user_id = Identifier(identifier=True)

class UserActivated:
    __version__ = "v2"

    user_id = Identifier(required=True)
    activated_at = DateTime(required=True, default=lambda:

with domain.domain_context():
    user = User(id="1", email="<EMAIL>", name="<NAME>")

    print(json.dumps(user._events[0].to_dict(), indent=4))

    """ Output:
        "_metadata": {
            "id": "authentication::user-1-0.1",
            "type": "Authentication.UserLoggedIn.v1",
            "fqn": "__main__.UserLoggedIn",
            "kind": "EVENT",
            "stream": "authentication::user-1",
            "origin_stream": null,
            "timestamp": "2024-07-18 22:06:10.148226+00:00",
            "version": "v1",
            "sequence_id": "0.1",
            "payload_hash": 6154717103144054927
        "user_id": "1"

    print(json.dumps(user._events[1].to_dict(), indent=4))

    """ Output:
        "_metadata": {
            "id": "authentication::user-1-0.2",
            "type": "Authentication.UserActivated.v2",
            "fqn": "__main__.UserActivated",
            "kind": "EVENT",
            "stream": "authentication::user-1",
            "origin_stream": null,
            "timestamp": "2024-07-18 22:06:10.155603+00:00",
            "version": "v2",
            "sequence_id": "0.2",
            "payload_hash": -3600345200911557224
        "user_id": "1",
        "activated_at": "2024-07-18 22:06:10.155694+00:00"

Fact Events

A fact event encloses the entire state of the aggregate at that specific point in time. It contains all of the attributes and values necessary to completely describe the fact in the context of your business. You can think of a fact event similarly to how you may think of a row in a database: a complete set of data pertaining to the row at that point in time.

Fact events enable a pattern known as Event-carried State Transfer, which is one of the best ways to asynchronously distribute immutable state to all consumers who need it. With fact events, consumers do not have to build up the state themselves from multiple delta event types, which can be risky and error-prone, especially as data schemas evolve and change over time. Instead, they rely on the owning service to compute and produce a fully detailed fact event.

Fact events are generated automatically by the framework with the fact_events=True option in the domain.aggregate decorator.

Read about generating fact events in the section on raising events.


Event objects are immutable - they cannot be changed once created. This is important because events are meant to be used as a snapshot of the domain state at a specific point in time.

In [1]: user = User(name='John Doe', email='', status='ACTIVE')

In [2]: renamed = UserRenamed(, name="John Doe Jr.")

In [3]: = "John Doe Sr."
IncorrectUsageError: 'Event/Command Objects are immutable and cannot be modified once created'