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If you want to chat with other Protean users and maintainers in real-time, check out our Discord server. There is (almost) always somebody online answering each other's questions, getting feedback on their projects, and sharing what they've built.

Chat about Protean on Discord →


If you've hit a problem with something you're working on and could use some help, the best place to ask is on GitHub Discussions where we use issues as a message board. These discussions are indexed by search engines which means asking your questions here will make it easier for others to find the answer if they have a similar problem in the future.

Get help on the forum →


Found a bug, have a feature request, or want to contribute to the framework itself?

Head to Protean's home on Github.

Star the repo

While GitHub stars don't tell the whole story, they do help increase the visibility of the framework, making it easier for other users to discover and adopt it.

Star Protean on GitHub, by clicking the star button at the top right.

Watch for releases

You can watch Protean on GitHub for new releasese and updates.

Click on the "watch" button at the top right in Github and select "Releases only".

You will then receive notifications (in your email) whenever there's a new release (a new version) of Protean with bug fixes and new features.

Contribute to Protean

You can contribute to Protean in many ways, and we appreciate all types of contributions. Here are some ways you can get involved:

Report issues

Found a bug or want to suggest a new feature? You can report issues and feature requests on our GitHub Issues page. When reporting an issue, please include as much detail as possible to help us understand and resolve the problem quickly.

Submit enhancements

Set up Protean locally to contribute enhancements, bug-fixes, tests, and documentation to the code base.

Triage Issues

Help us manage and triage issues by labeling and categorizing them. This helps us prioritize and address the most critical issues effectively. You can start by browsing the existing issues and offering your input.

Add Adapters

Protean is designed to be flexible and extensible. You can contribute by developing and adding new adapters to support various use cases and integrations. Check out our guide on creating adapters to get started.

Improve Documentation

Good documentation is crucial for Protean's success. You can help by improving existing documentation, adding new tutorials, or creating examples that demonstrate how to use Protean effectively.

Documentation contributions are highly valued and can be made directly to the Github repository.

Spread the Word

Help us grow the Protean community by sharing your experiences, writing blog posts, and speaking at events. Every mention helps to increase the visibility and adoption of Protean.